GreenPlanet Dual Fuel Starter Kit

Sale price$110.00


Kit includes:
• 2 Pairs x Green Planet Dual Fuel Part 1 & 2 1L (4 Bottles)
• 1 x Green Planet Massive Bloom 1L
• 1 x Green Planet Rezin 1L
Green Planet Dual Fuel Part 1 & 2
Green Planet Nutrient’s first true stand-alone 2-Part nutrient system, Dual Fuel is the simplest and most effective 2-Part Nutrient System on the market. Used in a 1:1 ratio throughout all growth cycles, there’s no fumbling around with different measurements for each week of each growth stage; it’s easy to use for the absolute beginner and has been formulated to meet the complex needs of the professional grower.
Green Planet Massive Bloom
Massive Bloom Formulation incorporates naturally occurring gibberellic hormones designed
to increase internodal spacing allowing more room for the flower to mature and swell to
full potential. When flower sites have been established, the components in Massive Bloom Formulation work aggressively to produce and transport vital fluids and cell building materials to the flower sites creating truly massive stacked flower clusters full of aromatic essential oils. Massive Bloom Formulation couples the naturally occurring gibberellic hormones with the scientificallyproven plant steroid triacontanol that increases the rate of photosynthesis and CO2 utilisation.
Green Planet Rezin
REZIN is a plant enhancing fertilizer additive designed to increase flower size while enhancing flavour and aroma.

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