Purpose: puts roots on your plant cuttings
- The world’s first and leading propagating gel
- A unique blend of IBA, anti-microbial agents, vitamins and minerals
- Active constituent: Indole Butyric Acid 3g/L
Indole butyric acid (also known as IBA) is a plant hormone that is responsible for root initiation and growth and is the active ingredient in Clonex.
Benefits of Clonex:
Increased strike rate from the gel holding the active ingredient against the plant tissue
Higher safety levels for workers since they are not breathing in talc and hormones
The gel seals the cut and stops air embolisms in the plants vascular tissue preventing wilting of the cutting
How far does a bottle of Clonex go?
This depends on the diameter of the cutting and the depth to which the cutting is dipped, but the grower should expect several thousand cuttings per litre of Clonex
Stock plants (mother plants) need to be:
- Disease free Nutritionally sound
- Turgid, not water stressed
- If flowering, remove flowers and buds
Stem cuttings are the most common type of cutting
- Usually 4 to 6 inches long
- Use current or last year’s growth Terminal parts of stem best.
- Long shoots can give several cuttings
- Keep cuttings cool and moist until they are stuck
- If delayed cutting material can be stored in fridge in a plastic bag Remove leaves from bottom 1/3 to Yi of stem
- Cut leaves of large leafed species in half
- Pour Clonex into a separate container for dipping
- Do nor pour unused Clonex back into original container Dip cuttings to 1cm up the stem
- 45 degree angle cut is best Stick and maintain humidity
Post Cutting Care
Humidity should be maintained at a high level Air changes should be done regularly
Moisture level in medium needs to be maintained
Plant food needs to be supplied to the cuttings when roots first form Light levels should be satisfactory for photosynthesis
Rooting Media should have these properties:
Sufficient pore space to contain air.
Be free draining, but still hold enough water for the cutting. The medium should be disease free.
The medium should contain all plant mineral nutrients essential for growth.